Hair Removal for Men

At 3D Aesthetics Leamington Spa, our hair removal treatments are carried out by the means of exposure to laser energy. This laser energy destroys the hair follicle. Having been performed experimentally for approximately 20 years, this procedure became commercially available between 1995 and 1996 according to Wikipedia.


There are a number of indications as to why men may want hair removal treatments including cosmetic reasons, medical reasons, unwanted facial and/or body hair as well as a transsexual change.


The Science Behind Hair Removal

The primary principle of hair removal is selective photo thermolysis. This is where the hair follicle reaches a temperature sufficient to cause irreversible thermal damage whilst the epidermis (the outermost of the three layers that make up the skin) has remained below the damage threshold.


At 3D Aesthetics Leamington Spa we use a machine called 3D-Trilogyice to carry out our hair removal treatments. The 3D-Trilogyice uses triple wavelength technology to target different tissue depths and structures within the hair follicles.


During the hair removal treatment application, the device heats the dermal tissue over a large surface area which can alter the stem cell function of the hair. Each rapidly delivered laser pulse collectively heats the dermal tissue and thermally injures the hair follicle. The melanin content (the pigment that gives skin, hair and eyes their colour) in the hair absorbs the light and heat from the laser, raising the temperature of the follicle above the temperature of the dermal tissue.


The duration of each laser pulse is less than the cooling time of the hair follicle. This allows the energy to build within the follicle, causing more heat trauma. As the temperature reaches approximately 55 degrees Celsius, the distribution of heat over a large surface area substantially reduces pain and discomfort, minimising negative side effects of traditional laser hair removal.


This temperature effectively impairs the function of the elements responsible for hair re-growth.


Initial Hair Removal Consultation

When enquiring about our hair removal treatments, we will request that you attend an initial consultation before booking your treatment. During this consultation, one of our laser experts will discuss your areas of concern, assess your skin colour following the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Chart (this will allow us to understand which settings should be used when carrying out the treatment) as well and performing a patch test. This patch test will ensure that you are suitable for treatment without seeing any unwanted side effects.


Following on from your consultation, our therapists will devise a bespoke treatment plan in order for you to receive the best results possible.


Before your treatment, we will always advise that you shave the treatment area approximately 24 hours before. Failure to shave the area can result in a negative response from contact of the laser with the hair – this can include the smell of burning hair.


Your Hair Removal Treatment

At 3D Aesthetics Leamington Spa, we can work on almost all areas of the body including the chest, face, arms and legs. We can also treat most skin types with our 3D-Trilogyice hair removal device. 3-6 treatments at 6 weekly intervals are recommended when having a course of treatments, with maintenance treatments being advised following your course. A course of hair removal treatments can significantly reduce the amount of hair in the area and hair re-growth is reduced by up to 20% following each session.


The treatment can last anywhere between 10 minutes and 1 hour depending on the area that you are focussing on. For example, the face will take a lot less time per session than the chest would.


During the treatment you can expect to feel a heating sensation beneath the skin of the target area. This can be reduced using the contact cooling system on the 3D-Trilogyice machine, resulting in a virtually painless treatment experience.


Expected and desirable side effects from our laser hair removal treatment include erythema (natural redness of the skin), swelling and perifollicular oedema (an irritation that looks like tiny bumps around the treated area). All of these side effects will disappear within a couple of hours to a few days.


After Care

After your treatment you should avoid hot baths and showers (tepid only), avoid heat treatments such as saunas and steam rooms, avoid applying deodorant, perfumes or scented body lotions on the area and also avoid swimming or Jacuzzis.


Following these protocols will ensure that you receive the best possible results from your treatments at 3D Aesthetics Leamington Spa.


Enquire About Hair Removal

To discuss our hair removal treatments with our laser experts, please contact 3D Aesthetics Leamington Spa on 01926 315 764 and we will be happy to provide you with further information, or answer any questions that you may have.


Alternatively, you get request a consultation through our online booking form and a member of our team will contact you directly to arrange this.